Pro-Ject Clamp-It Metal Record Clamp
Pro-Ject Clamp-It Metal Record Clamp

Pro-Ject Clamp-It Metal Record Clamp

Pro-Ject Clamp It is a large, beautifully finished metal record clamp, designed to improve the sound of your turntable by reducing unwanted resonances between record and platter and by keeping the record flatter during playback.

A functional, easy improvement that looks great too!

Record Puck Issues

The Clamp It weight is more effective than "standard" record pucks, which generally have two disadvantages that affect the sound negatively:

1) The weight can induce higher levels of rumble, when used with lower cost turntables which have less massive main bearings

2) Instead of tightening the records surface to the platter, heavyweight record pucks can cause the opposite: Vinyl will get shaped like a bowl with no contact of the outer edges of the record to the platter.

Why use Clamp It?

In contrast, Clamp It is a real solution, with a clamp mechanism around the centre spindle that will not add weight, which would induce rumble. You can fine-adjust pressure according condition of your warped records.

Fitting of Clamp it is easily done within seconds. This accessory will not only please your ears, its beautifully machined diamond-cut edges will also look extremely cool on any turntable!

Key Features

- Sound improvement for all turntables - Reduces unwanted resonances while playback - Full metal accessory with leather coating